Agricultural Trends to Look Out For in 2023
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Agricultural Trends to Look Out For in 2023

Around BKT, la sezione blog scritta dal nostro team di esperti del settore, vi dà il benvenuto. Qui potrete immergervi nel mondo BKT e rimanere aggiornati sulle ultime novità, eventi, casi di successo e lanci di prodotto. Siete alla ricerca degli ultimi approfondimenti di settore o semplicemente volete conoscerci meglio? La nostra community Around BKT ha tutte le risorse necessarie per stare al passo in un settore molto dinamico. Filtrate i nostri blog per categoria o esplorate con calma la nostra ampia selezione di articoli.

  • Case Histories

BKT were very excited to meet Juan Antonio Illescas Mateo and Fernando Buelta González, two of the leading men at CUFICA, a slate extraction company. Join us as we discover more about the impressive work they do – all accompanied by BKT's trusty tires!
Sollevatore telescopico Merlo TF30.9 e BKT CON STAR: che combinazione! 1
  • Case Histories

Sollevatore telescopico Merlo TF30.9 e BKT CON STAR: che combinazione!

L'allevamento di bovini piemontesi è la specialità dell'Azienda Agricola Scaglia, situata vicino a Torino. Qui i fratelli Scaglia gestiscono 400 capi di bestiame e si occupano di un lungo elenco di attività tra cui lavorazione del terreno, movimentazione delle balle di fieno e stoccaggio e trasferimento di materiali come il letame, solo per citarne alcune.
“Allevatori da sempre”, incontra i fratelli Scaglia. 1
  • Case Histories

“Allevatori da sempre”, incontra i fratelli Scaglia.

Una tradizione di famiglia, iniziata da un nonno con una grande forza di volontà e portata avanti con determinazione fino ai nostri giorni. Il loro mantra: qualità, qualità e ancora qualità. Ecco perché loro scelgono gli pneumatici BKT.
A hundred year long tradition 1
  • Case Histories

A hundred year long tradition

BKT takes you on a journey to the Netherlands, to discover the agricultural business of the Antonissen family. The Antonissen family chooses BKT tires to support their day to day operations: specifically Agrimax Fortis. Read on to find out how BKT works together with generational farming to keep the wheels turning.
That's the finish I'm looking for 1
  • Case Histories

That's the finish I'm looking for

Matthew Hawthorne, manager of the farming activity at Euston Estate, tells us of the importance of tire durability. Want to learn which of BKT tires are the best fit? Read more!
From the soil to your house 1
  • Case Histories

From the soil to your house

Introducing Angelo Calligari of Azienda Agricola Crocetta. He tells us of his joyful experiences with BKT tires, and how they transform day-to-day life on the tractor! Are you looking to carry heavy loads while maintaining a lower inflation pressure? Check out AGRIMAX-FORCE today.
Safety first! 1
  • Case Histories

Safety first!

With 30 years of experience in the clay extraction industry, quarry expert Alfie Jones knows what it takes to get the job done, and what he needs from tires when driving on slippery terrains. In this blog, spend a day-in-the-life with Alfie and hear why he trusts BKT's Earthmax tires to deliver when the going gets tough.
Meet your favorite family business: BKT 1
  • Case Histories

Meet your favorite family business: BKT

BKT started with a young entreprenuer in 1960's India and has now grown into a global player in OTR tire industry with a global family of customers in over 160 countries. Despite all the change of the past 60 years, BKT has retained its values as a family business. In this blog, learn more about the fascinating history of BKT.
In this job, with good tires, you're already halfway there 1
  • Case Histories

In this job, with good tires, you're already halfway there

Luca Gabaldo, owner of Azienda Agricola Gabaldo Luca is a connoisseur of BKT tires. This third generation farmer tells us of his long-standing relationship with BKT, and how presently, our AGRIMAX V-FLECTO transforms his tractor's daily performance.
BKT is YOU, find yourself in the new website 1
  • Case Histories

BKT is YOU, find yourself in the new website

Our new website is here! In the blog, you can read more about our new website and its latest features. This includes, BKT stories, our new section where you can hear stories from our customers from around the world.
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