Combine Harvesters: Axial vs. Hybrid Technology

Combine Harvesters: Axial vs. Hybrid Technology

Reading time (minutes):2

Combine harvesters are key players in the agricultural game! But today, we’re asking the main questions on everyone’s lips: axial or hybrid technology? Specifically, what is the difference between a harvester with an axial, or with a hybrid threshing unit? And how do farmers make the right choice?

Combine Harvesters: Center Stage  

There are numerous different types of harvesters on the market. The modern combine harvester is a powerful machine designed, as its name suggests, to harvest! Specifically, it harvests grain crops including wheat, rice, oats, barley and rapeseed – to name but a few! So, it’s clear why the machine has ‘harvester’ in the name, but how did it become renowned as a combine harvester? This masterful invention, in fact, combines the four harvesting processes (reaping, threshing, gathering and winnowing) into one single operation. Smart, or what? 

The combine harvester was first dreamed up in the late 19th century, where it was initially referred to as a ‘reaper machine’. One would therefore call this a traditional piece of agricultural equipment. Many are flying the flag for innovative modern technological solutions to day-to-day farming tasks, particularly in light of the climate crisis. However, the combine harvester is a key example of historical farming traditions which, in of itself, is innovative and economical. When you imagine a world without combine harvesters, you realize just how much time and effort it saves! Nevertheless, combine harvesters are being continuously enhanced with new technology, resulting in an efficient and sustainable harvest. 

The harvest is crucial for many reasons; for one, an entire year of hard work and effort is at stake. So, top performance is certainly a must for any harvester. Optimizing and fine-tuning the harvester’s operations is the best way to make the most of your farming machinery – and ensure that the accuracy of traditional tilling operations by hand is alternatively achieved by machine. 

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at two different types of harvesters: one using axial, and one using hybrid technology. 


Axial Harvesters

These harvesters are designed for large areas, such as fields in North America. They have also become well established on the European market due to their top-quality performance in obtaining quality grains from soybean and maize crops. 

The advantages of these pieces of equipment, compared to traditional harvesters, are quite evident: whilst the latter threshes crops over a path of approximately 0.8 and 1 m, axial harvesters can work over a path that is at least four times longer! Now, that’s certainly impressive! Not only does this result in major production capacity, but it also means more delicate grain processing – being well and truly respectful to the soil! However, with great power comes great responsibility: this type of machinery requires excessive power compared to European standards, which is hugely detrimental to the environment. At BKT, we champion sustainable processes, and support farmers in finding greener ways of working with these powerful machines. 


Hybrid harvesters

Next up, we have hybrid harvesters. Now, these machines are more akin to the traditional invention we all know and love: they have a thresher, counter-thresher and rotors in the straw walkers for separation. However, they are a lot speedier than historic harvesters; specifically, there is a much higher versatility of operating speed. Hence, hybrid harvesters are able to harvest the yield without losses and in less time, even under harsh weather and terrain conditions.

Despite this, nobody’s perfect! Unfortunately, hybrid harvesters can’t offer 100% precision, due to coiling around the rotor. But don’t fret – this process doesn’t compromise your yield’s integrity, but may not give you the picture perfect finish you’re looking for! 

Furthermore, for farmers who are putting sustainability center stage, hybrid harvesters may be for you. The latest products on the market offer advantages in terms of reduced energy consumption, excellent maneuverability and more accurate cleaning.


BKT recommends: Agrimax Teris

At BKT, we don’t expect our customers to want anything less than the best. We therefore encourage farmers to be demanding with their equipment, and expect simply-the-best performance from their tires.

This is why we recommend Agrimax Teris: specially designed for high-power combine harvesters. The tire’s excellent flotation properties and high load capacity are its most essential features, providing best performance in all harvesting and threshing operations. In addition, Agrimax Teris reduces soil compaction even if carrying heavy loads. Moreover, its sidewall protection increases resistance - thus extending the product life-cycle – also in harsh conditions and if there are pesky stubbles in the fields! 

Whether your combine harvester is axial or hybrid, we assure you that Agrimax Teris is the right choice. Discover all available sizes on our website.

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