What's Trending in 2023: Agricultural Podcasts

What's Trending in 2023: Agricultural Podcasts

Reading time (minutes):4

Did you know that podcasts are all the rage right now? To be precise, there are currently up to 4 million podcasts making (sound)waves around the world, and this is set to continue increasing throughout 2023! In today's blog, we're going to explore why Agricultural podcasts, in particular, are so popular - including some of BKT's own recommendations! So, strap yourselves into your tractor of choice, and join us for the ride!

What is a Podcast? 

For those of you who have been living under a rock, a podcast is a piece of spoken audio content that has been pre-recorded, and can be downloaded onto a device and listened to whenever and wherever you choose. Whether you're on the move, or in the comfort of your own home, a podcast can provide the perfect accompaniment to your day. While podcasts are renowned for being audio forms of entertainment, many also offer the option for a visual aid - allowing listeners to watch the discussion taking place. 

Podcasts are produced in a series, made up of several different episodes. These episodes can range from 15 minutes to an hour long, and typically feature regular hosts and a variety of guests. Podcast hosts interview different guests per episode, who are invited on to share their stories or expertise with the audience.

Over the last decade, podcasts have become increasingly popular, not least because of their accessibility in day-to-day life, but also because there is such an infinite range available. You can essentially find a podcast on any topic you're interested in - including, of course, agriculture. You can find podcasts on numerous streaming sites, including: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Play Music, in addition to company sites. 


The Ins and Outs of Agricultural Podcasts

Agricultural podcasts have been up-and-coming in the last few years, and it's no surprise - as farmers are constantly on the go! A short and snappy episode giving the lowdown of what's trending in the agricultural industry is the ideal accompaniment to a day plowing the fields. Plus, the fact that podcasts give the option to enjoy them solely in audio form makes them all the more accessible for farmers alike. 

Akin to the industry's evolution, agricultural-themed podcasts are steadily growing in popularity. So, what can you expect if you listen to an agricultural podcast? It's safe to say that there is something for everyone: for example, there are agricultural podcasts that specialize in deep dives into the history and traditions of farming, and those that are more technology-oriented, providing key insights into the future. What's more, you'll meet a variety of guests in these podcasts, from agricultural experts to farmers with real-life stories to share. 


What to Listen to in 2023

There are a range of farm-tastic podcasts out there! But to get you started, we've put together a small selection of some of the leading agricultural podcasts - covering different topics and themes within the industry. First, we have Off the Husk, hosted by Zach Johnson (a.k.a. Millennial Farmer), Becky Johnson, and Randy Nessman. This conversational, 'cozy' podcast invites agricultural professionals and producers to chat about current happenings in the industry.

Next up, we have The Modern Acre Podcast - and if you're into all things agritech, this one's for you. Hosted by brotherly duo Tim and Tyler Nuss, this informative, technology-focused podcast gives listeners the lowdown on all the newest agritech trends. Their guests consist of professionals who are changing the agricultural industry both on and off of the farm.

Our final recommendation is Ag State of Mind, hosted by Jason Medows, which revolves around a very important and underrepresented topic in the industry. As the title suggests, this podcast aims to spread awareness of the mental health crisis in the agricultural sector. Comforting the listener with the podcast's personal, laid-back atmosphere, Medows invites mental health professionals and agricultural producers onto each episode to share their expertise and experiences. Ag State of Mind has the admirable aim to inspire agricultural workers to speak up and speak out, helping to break the mental health stigma in the industry. 

If you have any recommendations of your own, we'd love to have a listen! And if you want to immerse yourself further in the agricultural world, check out the devoted corner of our revamped website here.

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