The Best Agriculture Tires for Summer and Dry Terrain

The Best Agriculture Tires for Summer and Dry Terrain

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A lot goes into the perfect selection of tires; it can include various requirements such as the type of machinery, load capacity, or application(s). This article explores the best tires for agricultural workers operating on dry terrains.

Particular adaptations must be made in tire manufacturing technology to accommodate tires used primarily in dry and summer conditions. At BKT, we create tread patterns and rubber compounds that grip dry surfaces, helping to maximize user safety and the longevity of the machinery being operated.

To survive higher temperatures, tires must also be heat resistant, which lowers the danger of tire failure and tire blowouts. These issues are frequently linked with tires exposed to extreme weather conditions, that’s why we strengthen our tires with vital tread design elements that increase overall wear resistance. 

Nonetheless, just because it is summer doesn’t mean there won’t be any water in your area of operation; irrigation and rain showers still occur, which is why our tread patterns (even for tires intended for dry terrains) are designed to disperse water efficiently, thus reducing risk and maintaining traction even in unpredictable wet conditions.


How does low moisture affect tires?

Tires can wear out faster in dry conditions. When the ground is dry, it becomes rougher and more abrasive, resulting in increased friction and wear on the tire tread and, in severe situations, tire blowouts.

Low moisture can also cause heat accumulation, which accelerates tire wear. Tire rotations and replacements must be performed more frequently to maintain optimal performance in dry weather.

Additionally, in dry conditions, vehicle engines must work harder. This is because the ground surface tends to have less moisture, reducing the tires’ ability to grip the surface effectively. This reduced traction creates a barrier of resistance that the vehicle engine must overcome to propel the vehicle forward. The increased workload on the engine leads to higher fuel consumption. Tire inflation and routine maintenance can assist in lessening this effect.


Common issues driving over dry agricultural terrain

Fires can start in dry agricultural terrain, especially during droughts or arid locations. Sparks from exhaust systems, hot engine parts, or friction between metal components and dry grass may cause a fire in vehicles operating in these conditions.

Dry agricultural terrain can generate dust, reducing visibility for the driver and other nearby cars or equipment. Dust clouds may impede vision, making detecting barriers, oncoming traffic, and other hazards more challenging. 

Everything highlighted above proves the importance of selecting the right tires for dry agricultural terrain. It aids in ensuring optimal performance, safety, and longevity of both the tires and the drivers. Dry conditions increase friction and wear on tires, creating a risk of tire failure and blowouts. Operators can minimize accidents and equipment downtime by selecting tires specifically designed for such terrain. Investment in the right tires mitigates these challenges providing maximum efficiency, reliability, and safety in all agricultural operations.


Cost saving, why should you have summer and winter tires?

When you switch between summer and winter tires, each set experiences less wear and tear because they are only used during the appropriate weather conditions within which each set of tires is designed to operate. 

Using summer tires in winter conditions or vice versa can lead to faster tread wear and reduced tire life. By using the right tires for each season, you can maximize the lifespan of your tires and avoid the need for premature replacements.For example, using summer tires in winter conditions can lead to reduced traction, increased sliding, and a higher risk of accidents or collisions. Using the right tires for each season minimizes the risk of tire damage and associated repair or replacement costs.


BKT Recommendations:

BKT Agrimax RT 955: This tire is intended for vineyard harvesting. It provides exceptional traction and stability on dry terrain, making it an excellent choice for summer weather.

BKT Agrimax RT 765: The Agrimax RT 765 is well-known for its versatility and suitability for various agricultural applications. It has exceptional grip and traction on dry terrain, ensuring peak performance in hot weather.

BKT Agrimax Teris: Designed for harvesters, this tire combines excellent grip with enhanced self-cleaning qualities. During the end of summer, these tires work well on dry terrain, providing stability and durability.

BKT Ridemax FL 699: This tire is mainly for trailers. It has great steering capability, grip, and maneuverability on dry ground, making it a reliable option for summer farming activities.

BKT Agrimax Fortis: This tire provides maximum performance and longevity in harsh agricultural conditions. It has exceptional traction and stability on dry terrain, making it ideal for summer use.

Check out our other advanced tire collections here.

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