“Livestock farmers from birth”, meet the Scaglia brothers. 1
Case Studies

“Livestock farmers from birth”, meet the Scaglia brothers.

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Sit back and relax, as we tell you the story of the Scaglia Farm. This self-sufficient farm has been passed down through generations, and is currently run by three brothers: Graziano, Paolo and Mauro. Read on to learn more about their mission, and how BKT tires help this become a reality.


The story of the Scaglia Farm starts two generations ago, with the brothers’ grandfather, who started the farm with only twenty head of cattle and a few hectares of land. Now the farm has grown exponentially and counts more than four hundred head of cattle.

Graziano, Paolo and Mauro are brothers and co-owners of the farm. Each one is in charge of different areas: breeding, farming and sales.
They have one goal: quality. A strong principle that has been passed on for generations. As their grandfather used to say, “You have to make quality, quality and more quality.

The Scaglia farm is a perfect example of a self-sufficient farm: the cycle starts with the manure derived from the farm’s animals, that is used as fertilizer for their fields. The yield harvested from the fields is then used to feed the animals, creating a 360° cycle.

That's how they only feed the best food to their animals and give the best care to their land. As Mauro Scaglia says, “We put all of our willingness and determination into our work and we always try to raise the bar a little more when it comes to animal welfare, regarding the wholesomeness of the food we give to our animals and the health of our crops.

With quality as their goal, the Scaglia brothers have chosen several BKT products for their farming equipment, testing them first using CON STAR on their Merlo’s telehandler, and choosing them afterwards for many more machineries.

For their tractors they chose AGRIMAX V-FLECTO, AGRIMAX RT 657 and AGRIMAX RT 855.
These tires are all perfect for working on the fields. AGRIMAX V-FLECTO protects the soil thanks to its reduced soil compaction properties. Moreover, thanks to VF Technology, AGRIMAX V-FLECTO can carry heavier loads with a lower inflating pressure compared to other standard tires.

AGRIMAX RT 657 is the best choice for those who need a versatile and reliable tire, with no compromise on performance. It allows perfect traction both on and off the road, allowing the Scaglia brothers to move comfortably from field to field.

AGRIMAX RT 855 is a reliable tire both on and off the road. Its self-cleaning properties allows for a smooth transfer from field to road. These features are really important for the Scaglia brothers, who move frequently between fields.

BKT’s FLOTATION 648 has been chosen for the farm’s trailer because of its high load capacity and the excellent durability. This is an “all-rounder” tire, suitable for field and road transport and several applications, from spreading to harvesting.

Finally, they have chosen CON STAR for their Merlo’s telehandler. This is the tire that convinced them to adopt a wider range of BKT’s products, because as Mauro Scaglia says “We've had big advantages with BKT, because, especially during activities in the stable, when we try to remove manure using tires from competing brands we experienced a certain amount of slipping on the ground. Now, using BKT tires instead, we noticed that we have a better grip when we do this task. We are very happy with them.

Meet the Scaglia brothers:

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