The Best Industrial Tyres for Summer & Dry Terrain

The Best Industrial Tyres for Summer & Dry Terrain

Reading time (minutes):4

It’s that time of the year. The sun is out, the weather is warm, and we must ensure that our tyres are ready for the drier weather conditions. This article highlights the best industrial tyres for summer and dry terrains.

Industrial tyres have distinct requirements compared to agricultural tyres, as they are used in diverse environments such as construction sites, warehouses, and factories, where factors like exposure to oils, solvents, and chemicals necessitate the use of non-marking tyres to avoid floor marks. The attention to detail for industrial tyres is crucial due to the need for enhanced traction on various surfaces, the presence of protective chemicals, and the ability to withstand heavy loads, making their design and construction important considerations, especially during the summer season.

How industrial tyres are affected by low moisture

Low moisture conditions can have several effects on industrial tyres. Here are some ways in which low moisture can impact industrial tyres:

Dry and Cracked Rubber: Rubber in industrial tyres can become dry and fractured when exposed to low moisture levels. Because of the lack of moisture, the rubber loses its flexibility, making it more prone to cracking and deterioration. Rubber cracks can undermine the tyre's structural integrity and shorten its lifespan. This may hasten the tyre's ageing process, causing it to deteriorate faster. As a result, the tyre is more vulnerable to punctures, cuts, and other types of damage.

Reduced Traction: Low moisture levels can cause industrial tyres to lose traction. The dryness can harden the tyre surface, resulting in decreased ground grip. This is especially problematic in applications requiring traction, such as off-road or heavy-duty situations. Increased slippage, less stability, and probable accidents can all result from decreased traction.

Increased Wear and Tear: Industrial tyres may undergo higher wear and tear in low moisture settings. Dry weather can cause tyre tread to wear out faster, reducing the tyre's capacity to provide enough grip and traction. Furthermore, the lack of moisture can increase friction between the tyre and the surface, causing the tyre to heat up faster, especially when the tyre is under load or in high-speed applications. The elevated temperatures and the already damaged structural integrity caused by dryness can result in tyre failure and potentially dangerous blowouts, resulting in accelerated rubber compound degradation.


To mitigate the effects of low moisture on industrial tyres, electing tyres specifically designed for the intended operating conditions can help minimise the impact of low moisture environments.

Common issues associated with industrial tyres driving over dry terrain

Driving industrial tyres over dry terrain can present common issues, including:

Heat Buildup: Heat is generated on dry terrain due to increased friction between the tyre and the ground. Heat buildup in the tyre can cause it to overheat, potentially resulting in failure, blowouts, or other performance concerns. Checking tyre temperature and avoiding prolonged exposure to hot weather is critical.

Tire Pressure Fluctuations: Tire pressure can fluctuate in dry terrain with large temperature differences. Tire pressure rises as the temperature increases and falls as the temperature drops. These variations can impact tyre performance, stability, and fuel efficiency. Tire pressure must be monitored and adjusted on a regular basis to ensure peak performance.

The challenges associated with driving industrial tyres over dry terrain can be mitigated by being proactive in tyre maintenance and selecting appropriate tyres, ensuring optimal performance, safety, and longevity.

Cost saving, why you should have summer and winter industrial tyres 

Having both summer and winter industrial tyres can result in significant long-term cost savings. Summer tyres are made for hotter weather and provide better traction and durability on dry surfaces. Winter tyres provide superior grip and control in cold temperatures and icy/snowy terrains. You can maximise performance, longevity, and safety while minimising tyre wear and premature replacements by selecting the proper tyre for each season, resulting in cost savings and greater tyre value.

BKT Recommendations:

BKT Earthmax SR 31:  is an all Steel radial tyre designed for articulated dump trucks and wheel loaders.  This tyre has exceptional strength and stability, whilst the non-directional rigid block pattern represents excellent traction and manoeuvrability.  The Earthmax SR 31 radial casing structure also provides reduced rolling resistance, offering significant fuel savings.


BKT Earthmax SR 22: is also an all-steel radial tire specially designed for motor graders and loaders operating in extreme winter conditions on ice or snow. This tyre allows operators to appreciate both excellent traction and stability provided by the large and non-directional tread design.     


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