Global Trends OTR: Episode One

Global Trends OTR: Episode One

Reading time (minutes):2

BKT Network’s Global Trends is back! This time we’re taking all of our viewers on an immersive journey into the world of OTR. So, what’s on the menu this season, who will be taking part, and what can we expect in episode one? 

Setting the wheels in motion for our second season!

BKT Network’s Global Trends is back! This time we’re taking all of our viewers on an immersive journey into the world of OTR. So, what’s on the menu this season, who will be taking part, and what can we expect in episode one? 


A deep dive into OTR

Last season, BKT Network spoiled viewers with eight episodes exploring the future of agriculture. This season, we pay homage to our OTR audience, exploring some of the most topical issues in OTR, and the trends that will likely shape the future of the industry over the coming years. Viewers will be able to enjoy these in-depth insights across four immersive episodes, featuring some of the most revered figures across the OTR sector. 


What to expect from episode one…

Setting the wheels in motion, on March 21,  we shared episode one of this four-part series, available via BKT Network.

Steered by this season’s Global Trends presenter, Saana Azzam, episode one digs deep into the role of Technology, Automation and Robotics in OTR. In particular, the episode considers the role of such technologies in enhancing business efficiencies, such as through the use of drone technologies for inspecting mines, whilst also allowing companies to adapt to greener practices, such as through the use of electrical vehicles. 

The episode also considers the future of mining for fossil fuels - a divisive topic across multiple industries! - and how technology can assist the OTR sector in breaking barriers between previously inaccessible resources, such as through underwater mining. As well as the use of technologies in indisputably positive use-cases, such as through the enhancement of workforce safety.

Finally, our guests help us navigate the tricky terrain of automations, and whether the advancement in automated technology presents a problem for the OTR workforce… (Luckily, it seems that we’re a long way off any real-life Terminator scenarios!)


So, who’s who?

In episode one we were joined by Frik Els, Executive Editor of, an online news and analysis platform that provides up-to-date information and insights on the global mining industry. Viewers can  also hear insights from Andrew Petruska, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, widely recognized as one of the top engineering schools in the United States: a leading institution in the fields of geology, mining, and energy.


Where can I watch episode one?

Ready to set-off? You can catch episode one of BKT Network: Technology, Automation and Robotics in OTR, as well as catching our following three episodes each month thereafter until June 2023 (check out the full schedule below!)

  • Episode one: Technology, Automation and Robotics in OTR - March 21 2023
  • Episode two: Sustainability and ESG - April 18 2023
  • Episode three: Alternative Energies - May 23 2023
  • Episode four: Net Zero and Low Carbon Emissions - June 20 2023
  Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain valuable insights and keep ahead of the curve in the OTR world. 

For further insights, bonus content and information on upcoming releases, head on over to the BKT Network Instagram here.

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